Hey Guys!
On April 19th tune in to 90.3 on the FM dial from 7 – 10pm EST in Northern, NJ or worldwide at www.wmscradio.com to hear a live interview and in-studio performance of a few old FLO songs and brand new acoustic versions of a few songs off the new album “To Build or Burn”.
WMSC Radio
Request Line: 973-655-4256
AIM: wmscradio903
Click here for the Facebook Event Invite!
We’ll be giving away a few copies of the new album for people who call (or instant message) into the show, so tune in and participate! We might even give away some guest list spots for the record release show at Dingbatz on April 30th to 2 lucky callers…
It’s been a while since I’ve done one of these radio shows, so tune in and let’s have some fun guys!
Love you,